Technology Meets Nature Thorough an App

Plants look great in every home or office. That’s why, especially when we move to a new apartment, house or office premises, we usually love to get some beautiful plants to liven up the rooms. But, if you don’t happen to have the “green thumb,” you may end up, after some time, with a dry and yellowish version of the lush greenery you once placed in your indoor or outdoor spaces. Today, however, there is a surprising and innovative technology that, through an app, helps us to take care of our plants. Even if we are busy with a thousand commitments, no plant will be neglected, and they will continue to grow healthy and luxuriantly.

What is Planta and How Does It Work

Planta is an app, secure and reliable, that can be downloaded directly from the official website and that has many interesting features. For example, there are the “Reminder” and “Care Schedule” features, which are tools to help you remember to water at the right intervals, add fertilizer, or even repotting when the plant has grown. Plus, it has a large plant database, so you don’t need to worry about the right routine for each plant: the app will do this for you. If you are not sure about the type or the name of a plant that you already own, Planta will surprise you once more with a Plant Identifier, which will scan it, identify it and, without having to surf the internet, instantly give you all the details about that particular species.

Tips and Tricks to Choose the Best Flowers and Plants for Your Home

Even if you successfully use Planta, there are some factors to consider when choosing a plant, as some are more suitable for indoors, while others prefer sun or shade. Independently from the level of care and effort, it will be very hard to grow a plant that needs full sun in a dark, artificially lit space. For example, among the best plants to grow inside and office or home, we find the pothos, the aglaonema and the jade plant. They can withstand long periods of time away from sunlight and the occasional lack of water.